How to Build Vertical Timber Screen

DIY Guide: How to build a Stylish Vertical Timber Screen for Privacy

Looking to enhance your outdoor space with a touch of privacy and elegance? A vertical timber screen is the perfect solution! Not only does it provide privacy, but it also serves as a clever way to hide eyesores like electrical boxes or bins from view.

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of how to build a vertical timber screen that measures 1.500 metres wide and 2.2 meters high. So, put on your DIY hat and let’s dive into this exciting project.

 Check out our article How To Build A Privacy Screen Outdoors With Existing Posts here!

Step 1: Finding the Right Support

Finding the right support to ensure a sturdy and durable timber screen, you’ll need to locate suitable framing within your house to attach the posts. This will create a solid foundation for your screen. For secure fastening, opt for 175-millimeter by 10-millimeter diameter coach bolts.

Step 2: Safety First Before proceeding

Safety first before proceeding, it’s essential to prioritize safety. If your house cladding contains asbestos fibers, make sure to wear a mask to protect yourself from any potential harm. Safety should always come first when working on DIY woodworking projects.

Check out the full DIY you tube instructional below!

Step 3: Attaching the Posts

Transfer the positions of the house frame onto your posts. This will serve as a guide for attaching the posts securely using the coach bolts. To ensure the posts are plumb and straight, use SikaFlex and plastic packers. Pre-drill the posts and create notches to accommodate any cover strips on the wall.

Step 4: Setting the Foundation

One of the posts needs to be concreted into the ground for stability. Dig a hole that’s 800 millimeters deep and 400 millimeters wide in diameter. Add gravel to the hole for proper drainage. Use temporary bracing and a timber peg to secure the post. Verify that the post is perfectly plumb in both directions.

Step 5: Concrete And Finishing Touches

Pour pre-mixed concrete into the hole according to the instructions on the bag. Allow it to set before cutting the post to the desired height. Install a top plate for added support. To protect the timber components from the elements, give them a coat of weather-resistant paint.

Step 6: Building The Frame

Attach the remaining timber frame pieces, ensuring they are level and parallel. Double-check the measurements for accuracy. Apply a second coat of paint to give the timber components a professional finish.

Step 7: Installing The Screening Boards

Cut the timber screening boards to the correct length. Number the boards based on their straightness, with one being the straightest and three being the most bent. Start by installing the straightest boards at every fifth position to maintain consistent spacing.

Step 8: Achieving Parallel Gaps

Use a template board to mark the screw lines on the remaining boards. Install the first screening board by scribing and planning it to fit snugly against the old house. Utilize a level piece of timber as a guide for the remaining boards, ensuring a parallel gap between each one.

Step 9: Fine-Tuning And Completion

Make necessary adjustments to ensure the screen is plumb and level. Secure the timber screening to the frame using stainless steel screws. Install end boards to cover any gaps or exposed edges. Take pride in your craftsmanship and admire your beautifully constructed vertical timber screen.


Building a vertical timber screen is a rewarding DIY project that adds privacy and elegance to your outdoor space. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can create a stylish screen that not only conceals unsightly elements but also becomes a standout feature in your home. 

So gather your tools, put on your safety gear, and embark on this exciting journey to how build a vertical timber screen that will transform your outdoor area into a private sanctuary.

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